

국내 바이오 업계의 21세기 선두주자

Gold Nanorods, diameter 10nm, absorption max600nm

작성자 관리자 작성일 2020-06-24
조회수 11,113회 댓글 0


바이오스토리에서 creative-diagnostics 직수입 합니다.


DiagNano™ Gold Nanorods, diameter 10 nm, absorption max 600 nm(BR-10-600)


1 OD gold nanorods with 10 nm diameter, longitudinal SPR absorbance max 600 nm, supplied in DI water or other buffer (PBS, MES, TRIS and sodium borate). Different capping agents including CTAB, citrate, PEI, PAH, PAA, PVP, and charged polymers are available. 100 OD concentrated gold nanorods are also available.


Application Notes

DiagNano™ Gold Nanorods are widely used in dark-field microscopy, two-photon photoluminescence imaging, photoacoustic imaging, kinetic immunoassay, sensors, drug delivery and photothermal therapy.



10 nm



19 nm


Surface Coating

CTAB, Citrate, PEI, PAH, PAA, PVP, and charged polymers


Storage Buffer

DI water. Other buffers such as PBS, MES, TRIS and sodium borate are also available.


Unit Size

25 mL


Number of Particles

1.48E+12 particles/mL


Optical Density

1 OD (100 OD are also available.)


Absorption Max

600 nm


Size Distribution

CV< 10%



This product should be stored at 4°C after opening. Care must be taken to only use sterile glassware when working with this product.


Shelf Life

When stored as specified the product is stable for at least six months.

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